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Don't ruin your AFCS or WPS claim by making these basic mistakes!

Seemingly minor details can scupper your chances

We are receiving an increasing number of calls from clients asking us to represent them with an AFCS or WPS appeal because their claims have been declined. You can ruin a perfectly decent claim very easily and once you're in the appeal system your chances of getting compensation are reduced significantly.

Here are a few mistakes you can make that will see your AFCS or WPS being declined:

  • Making a wild guess at what might be in your medical records in relation to dates when you thought you had 'first' reported to the medical centre for advice. Related entries in your medical records which pre-date your current injury can result in your claim being declined for a pre-existing injury.
  • Failing to report an incident where you were injured and just 'cracking on' will almost certainly result in your claim being declined. Remember this well-tested adage of "No Evidence = No Claim".
  • Failing to make sure that your injury, illness, or condition actually resulted in you being given a clinical diagnosis. Under Article 2 of the Regulations, an injury as a physical disorder is included in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and related health problems. Remember that "No Diagnosis = No Claim."
  • Failing to fully explain the seriousness of ongoing symptoms from an earlier injury will result in your claim being declined because "Your injury is accepted as caused by your service but is not serious enough to attract the minimum tariff under the scheme." 

You can carry on submitting these claims without any help but don't be surprised when, having waited 4 months for a decision, you're extremely disappointed with the outcome.

Why not have a chat with us before you make your application? We'll discuss your case and give you our opinion based on years of experience absolutely free and with no obligation for you to use our services.