News and Blog
Why are sports injury claims through the AFCS so difficult to make?
The military are very proud of the achievements of their sportsmen and women, so why do Veterans UK put so many hurdles in the path of servicemen and women making a claim through the AFCS for injuries sustained whilst playing sports?
In the Military you strive to get things right first time
In the Military you strive to get things right first time. Making an AFCS claim requires exactly the same mindset. Here's why!
Don't ruin your AFCS or WPS claim by making these basic mistakes!
Don't ruin a perfectly decent claim by making these basic mistakes! More and more servicewomen and men are coming to us because their claims have been declined.
War Pension Scheme Award of £6,859.00 for a client living in New Zealand
War Pension Scheme Award of £6,859.00 for a client living in New Zealand who had tried for 2 years to get Veterans UK to process his claim.
Help When You Really Need It from Those Who Go the Extra Mile
Veterans UK have re-designed their website to include a section entitled Important Information, which includes telling you that you do not need a paid representative.
Veterans UK Launch Pilot Scheme to Ease Pressure on the NHS but Avoid Improvements for Mental Health Claims
Veterans UK has launched what they see as a pilot scheme that seeks to ease the pressure on the NHS by changing the way they gather medical evidence for War Pensions Scheme claims and reviews.
AFCS Claim Injuries Must Be Caused By Service - Get Ready for a Reality Check!
The more clients we speak to about the AFCS claims process the more we are determined to spread the word that Veterans UK are not there to make it easy for you to claim.
At Last! UK Military Finally in the Top 50 ‘Employers for Women’ List
How refreshing to see in the news this week that the British Army and the Royal Navy have been named in the ‘Times Top 50 Employers for Women 2020' list.
Help From Veterans UK - The Reality of AFCS and WPS Claims
Veterans UK give the impression that all you need to do in order to get compensation is complete a simple form; however, the reality is very different. Here's what you're really up against...
What are the Executive Factual Reports and Why Do They Cause So Many Sports Injury Claims to Fail?
The story is a familiar one: A serviceman or woman suffers an injury playing sports and decides to submit a claim through the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme [AFCS]. But they are missing key evidence.
Mental Illness is Severe Enough - Satisfying the Regulations Is an Unnecessary Burden
The number of cases of servicemen and women [past and present] claiming for a mental health condition has been steadily rising but these are the most difficult claims to meet the quite unfair and punitive Regulations imposed by the MOD.
If You're Injured - Make Sure You Report It
We took a call on a Sunday morning [we were being tested to see if we really were open over the weekend] from a soldier based at Catterick asking for advice on an AFCS claim he had made directly with Veterans UK.
How Hard Can it Be to Make a Claim? You'd be surprised!
If you’re to believe the Veterans UK website, in which they advise you that you really do not need to seek professional help from a Claims Management Company to make a claim, you’ve got nothing to worry about if you attempt to submit a claim by yourself – or have you?
Getting Legal Advice Can Be Daunting
We're very comfortable that we specialize in one specific type of application, which is the AFCS/WPS for servicemen and women. However we are often asked for advice on a range of other issue that are very specialized areas of law where the right expertise, guidance, and experience is essential.
The Unforgiving Reality of the Regulations
The MOD has published its annual report regarding the AFCS and WPS ending 31st March 2019 and, if you can actually find it in the first place, it makes for interesting – if sobering – reading. Here’s our list of items that you need to be able to do satisfy the regulations.
Freedom of Choice: Veterans UK or a Claims Management Company
In their recent relaunch of their website Veterans UK has highlighted that they are offering free independent advice to military personnel applying for an AFCS or WPS award. The suggestion is that such applicants do not need a paid representative such as a solicitor or Claims Management Company to apply for compensation.
The Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre (DMRC) at Standford Hall Receives Royal Visit
Many of you will have seen the news that the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge paid a visit to the new Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre [DMRC] at Stanford Hall near Loughborough.
A Careless Omission Costs Client £6,500
The following advice is the kind that might seem self-evident, yet our experience leads us to the conclusion it needs to be heard all the same: if you do not tell the truth when completing your Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) / War Pension Scheme (WPS) applications, it WILL come to light – and will likely ruin your chances of a successful claim with the MOD.
£279,000 in Lost Compensation For AFCS Sports Injury Claims!
The military prides itself on being adept at filling out forms, keeping records, and being on the ball. Despite this, hundreds of you are not following the basic rules relating to an AFCS sports injury claim and it's costing you money - lots of it.
The MOD, Q Fever and the Compensation Culture
When people look at the Defence budget for our Armed Forces they often view it in the same way as the NHS; it is a bottomless pit where no amount of money will ever be enough to satisfy those who run it and those who are in it.
Helping Veterans Save on Travel
Here at Military Injury we understand just what a significant expense travelling can be, especially for those who have family further afield or are regularly having to attend medical appointments. That’s why we want to highlight the Veterans' Railcard.
Replacing Stolen or Damaged Medals
Medals often hold deep personal significance and serve as reminders of years of dedication; however, unfortunately sometimes these items can get stolen, lost or damaged. Fortunately, it is possible to replace medals and veterans' badges, and the process is a straightforward one.
Transitioning to a Civilian Career
Transitioning from military service to civilian life can be challenging, especially when it comes to finding employment. However, many veterans possess unique skills, discipline, and leadership qualities that make them highly valuable in the workplace.
Supporting Veterans Through Prize Draws
Would you like to contribute to the wellbeing of veterans throughout the UK while also giving yourself the chance to win some cash? Then the UK Veterans’ Lottery might be just what you’re looking for.