Call us Free:
0333 200 0069*

Password Reset

Enter your email address that you used to register.
We’ll send you an email with your username and a link to reset your password.
If you have any difficulties with this process please contact us on 0333 200 0069 or by email to [email protected] and we will resolve this for you.


AFCS Claims

If your application is successful, we will charge you 20% of that award plus VAT. Please note that we do not receive our fees from Veterans UK. Your award also does not come to us first but is paid directly into your bank account. We then invoice you for our fees which are outlined above.

WPS Claims

Lump-Sum Payment: If your application is successful and you receive a lump sum award, we will charge you 20% of that award plus VAT. 

Non Lump-Sum Payment: If your application is successful and you are awarded a War Pension paid weekly or monthly [which may include some arrears if your claim is backdated by Veterans UK] we will charge you a one-off fee of £500 plus VAT. Please note that we do not receive our fees from Veterans UK. Your award also does not come to us first but is paid directly into your bank account. We then invoice you for our fees which are outlined above.


If your application is declined we will review the reasons given by Veterans UK and discuss what options are available to you.
